Month: September 2008

Father has a sense of humor

Remember my post about Becoming Humble well one of the lessons I remember from after I became teachable was all about being sealed as a family. The missionaries taught us about the Temple being the House of the Lord and explained how much more sacred it was over the normal church buildings. They told us […]

Time and all Eternity

Jean was two weeks old when Papa got to see her. It was love at first sight. He could do no wrong and could always get her to stop crying and even laugh. Papa would play with Jean while I got the boys ready for bed. Then family prayer and then it was Jean’s turn. […]

Beautiful Trials

I was trying to clean up the mark on Jeannie’s face. It was not there normally – it is age I guess the back of the picture must have had some acid exposure. But she is still beautiful. Everything I tried made her look worse. So I will leave it as is. Jean Marie is […]